Source code for skcuda.special

#!/usr/bin/env python

PyCUDA-based special functions.

import os
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import pycuda.elementwise as elementwise
import numpy as np

from . import misc
from .misc import init

# Get installation location of C headers:
from . import install_headers

[docs]def sici(x_gpu): """ Sine/Cosine integral. Computes the sine and cosine integral of every element in the input matrix. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- (si_gpu, ci_gpu) : tuple of GPUArrays Tuple of GPUarrays containing the sine integrals and cosine integrals of the entries of `x_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], np.float32) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) >>> (si_gpu, ci_gpu) = sici(x_gpu) >>> (si, ci) = scipy.special.sici(x) >>> np.allclose(si, si_gpu.get()) True >>> np.allclose(ci, ci_gpu.get()) True """ if x_gpu.dtype == np.float32: args = 'float *x, float *si, float *ci' op = 'sicif(x[i], &si[i], &ci[i])' elif x_gpu.dtype == np.float64: args = 'double *x, double *si, double *ci' op = 'sici(x[i], &si[i], &ci[i])' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') try: func = sici.cache[x_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') sici.cache[x_gpu.dtype] = func si_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(x_gpu) ci_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(x_gpu) func(x_gpu, si_gpu, ci_gpu) return (si_gpu, ci_gpu)
sici.cache = {}
[docs]def exp1(z_gpu): """ Exponential integral with `n = 1` of complex arguments. Parameters ---------- z_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- e_gpu : GPUArray GPUarrays containing the exponential integrals of the entries of `z_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> z = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4), np.complex64) >>> z_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(z) >>> e_gpu = exp1(z_gpu) >>> e_sp = scipy.special.exp1(z) >>> np.allclose(e_sp, e_gpu.get()) True """ if z_gpu.dtype == np.complex64: args = 'pycuda::complex<float> *z, pycuda::complex<float> *e' elif z_gpu.dtype == np.complex128: args = 'pycuda::complex<double> *z, pycuda::complex<double> *e' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') op = 'e[i] = exp1(z[i])' try: func = exp1.cache[z_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') exp1.cache[z_gpu.dtype] = func e_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(z_gpu) func(z_gpu, e_gpu) return e_gpu
exp1.cache = {}
[docs]def expi(z_gpu): """ Exponential integral of complex arguments. Parameters ---------- z_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- e_gpu : GPUArray GPUarrays containing the exponential integrals of the entries of `z_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> z = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4), np.complex64) >>> z_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(z) >>> e_gpu = expi(z_gpu) >>> e_sp = scipy.special.expi(z) >>> np.allclose(e_sp, e_gpu.get()) True """ if z_gpu.dtype == np.complex64: args = 'pycuda::complex<float> *z, pycuda::complex<float> *e' elif z_gpu.dtype == np.complex128: args = 'pycuda::complex<double> *z, pycuda::complex<double> *e' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') op = 'e[i] = expi(z[i])' try: func = expi.cache[z_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') expi.cache[z_gpu.dtype] = func e_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(z_gpu) func(z_gpu, e_gpu) return e_gpu
expi.cache = {} if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()